Characters in There's Something in the Lunch Meat
(In order of appearance)

- Age: 17
- Gender: Unknown
Me, an investigative journalist.

- Age: 17
- Gender: Girl
Brittany, the head cheerleader. Went to the same middle school as me, though she did not like me then and she does not like me now.

- Age: 16
- Gender: Girl
One of the girls on the cheerleading team. I don't know her well, but she's considered the nicest person at the school.

- Age: 17
- Gender: Girl
Leader of the "Occult" (actually Horror) club. Was really into supernatural theories in middle school, has only gotten more and more embroiled in thinking that way since. I kinda feel bad for her, since we were friends once, but she doesn't really listen to anyone.

- Age: 14
- Gender: Boy
One of the anime club members. Gets really mad if you're not into anime, for some reason. Definitely has a crush on Heather.

- Age: 17
- Gender: Girl
Another one of the anime club members. She went to middle school with me, but I don't really have any opinion on her.

- Age: 18
- Gender: Boy
Leader of the anime club. Wears the hat with the mascot from a detective game, but clearly knows nothing about investigations. Really annoying.